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    Where Senpais will notice me. Hopefully.

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  1. Koisu - Fuwanovel Forums (5) Eclipsed reacted to a post in a topic: LF> HS-SoL-Romance VNs w/ Supernatural Elements!

  2. Koi ga saku koro sakura doki might be up your alley. The common route has been fully translated and two heroine routes are expected to be released sometime this month. I found the common route enjoyable and its concepts refreshing (the artist was also involved in Mashiiro Symphony, so 10/10 for that). As for the heroine routes, you'll either enjoy them wholeheartedly or have a "da fuk" reaction. https://vndb.org/v10304 Also agreeing on the recommendation for the Majikoi series. They're a lighthearted series with fighting elements that are so absurd it borderlines supernatural; although the agave routes for both series haven't been translated yet, the heroine routes along with the prologue routes have been translated. One of my favorite series of all time along with the Grisaia series (although the third installment of Grisaia was a bit lackluster : /). https://vndb.org/v1143 https://vndb.org/v6245 Enjoy! Also, I'm thinking of contacting the current "translator" for Hatsukoi 1/1 to help translate that. It's a good novel with some flaws and plot-holes(some routes for the heroines were so disgustingly bad I had to stop midway), although there aren't any supernatural elements relevant. The art is extremely good, so I'd keep an eye out -- the determination of translation depends on how many units I'll be taking next year in regards to University work. "Decent" as it was, I can say I enjoyed reading it, which is why I want to translate it at some point. (=^・ω・^)y= https://vndb.org/v9124#main Happy Holidays! (⁎˃ᆺ˂) and good luck with Finals!

  3. Title is pretty much self explanatory. It would be fantastic if the VN was translated as well. Sick of reading untranslated VNs since I suck at Japanese :c. Good art would be another plus. An example of said VN would be Hatsukoi 1/1, or maybe even Lovely x Cation (although it's more a Dating Sim). Pretend those are translated and that would be the ideal Visual Novels for me >.<! So I guess more specifically, visual novel with similar artwork to Hatsukoi 1/1 and Love x Cation. Thanks again! : D And Happy December, everyone! ^-^)/

  4. Hi so I recently installed Koi ga saku Koro sakura doki but there's a serial key I need. Although I downloaded the cracks as well, one of the cracks never seems to work (it keeps getting canceled, the 4.75 mb one). I was wondering what exactly I need to do in order to successfully install/play the game. Thanks so much! ; u ;)/

  5. Thanks for the recs, everyone! ^^ To be honest although I loved G-Senjou's plot, I didn't consider its art appealing. Guess I'll try Eden and Comyu ^^

  6. There's a tag on VNDB for "Medieval Fantasy" http://vndb.org/g994 In any case, titles such as Aiyoko No Eustia (although only one route has been translated, and arguably the weakest route) and Kamidori Alchemy Meister (personally didn't like the game, and I heard it's one of the worst works in Eushally) might interest you.

  7. Koisu - Fuwanovel Forums (12) Koisu reacted to a post in a topic: Need some VN's that are like Tears to tiara 2

  8. Akatsuki no Goei isn't even fully translated though (and at this rate, probably never will be). Pity, since it's the closest thing to Grisaia that I know of.

  9. Koisu - Fuwanovel Forums (14) Koisu reacted to a post in a topic: Noble Works Translation Project (COMPLETE Patch Released!)

  10. Koisu - Fuwanovel Forums (15) Koisu reacted to a post in a topic: Need a Visually Appealing Visual Novel with good Plot

  11. Koisu - Fuwanovel Forums (17) Koisu reacted to a post in a topic: Need a Visually Appealing Visual Novel with good Plot

  12. Koisu - Fuwanovel Forums (18) Koisu reacted to a post in a topic: Need a Visually Appealing Visual Novel with good Plot

  13. Koisu - Fuwanovel Forums (19) Koisu reacted to a post in a topic: Need a Visually Appealing Visual Novel with good Plot

  14. Thanks so much for the recommendations, guys! :'D I guess I'll try Sharin no Kuni, heard lots of good things about it (although the art doesn't appeal to me). Really love fuwanovel works like Dracu-riot and Noble Works...but I have to wait for the full Eng Translations for them, and unfortunately Staircase Subs is dead (RIP Dracu Mio Waifu). If nobody can recommend one with both art and plot, then I'm just looking for a Visual Novel that has really good art, which in most cases are the more recent ones such as Dracu-riot, Koiken Otome, and the Grisaia series, etc

  15. Hi everyone! New to the community so this is my first post >< Anyway, the title is pretty much self explanatory. I'm looking for a translated visual novel that was made fairly recently (2007 and on) When deciding upon a new VN the art is a considerable factor; a VN that possesses extremely good visuals, but is based on an engaging plot with twists and turns is mostly what I am looking for. Personal favorites as of now include Grisaia no Kajitsu and Aiyoku no Eustia. However, even if the Visual Novel has only good artwork but a mediocre storyline (such as Koiken Otome) I'd still love a rec on that ; u ;)/ Thanks so much! ^^

Koisu - Fuwanovel Forums (2025)
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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.